Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sir Ken and school system paradigms (shifts)

  Sir Ken likes to to discuss school systems and the way the current paradigms are broken.  Similar to a previous post that had his lecture on creativity in the school system, Sir Ken discusses why our current systems are not functioning the way they need to.  I was watching a report the other day that shows the US at sub 28th internationally in Education with South Korea rising to to number one in education growth.  One of the problems is that education has been politically charged.  We have a system born out of the 19th Century and hasn't been modernized since.  There's been attempts, don't get me wrong, but from a political platform and thus failed.  Pure quantification of education is not feasible.   We've had a paradigm shift in technology in the past 50 years that we have never seen in our history as far as pure increase goes.  This led to a social shift especially within our children.  Yet we keep an outdated model and try to hammer these kids into a peg that doesn't fit them.    We educate the capacity out of children until they are institutionally educated.  And speaking of institutional, this is one of the source problems that stalls out education.  Once we can over come political and consumer institution mentality, I believe we can successfully restructure the education system to where it needs to go.  

I really enjoyed how they animated this concept.  I hope you enjoy :)


  1. Iagree with this notion. However, I will say that there has been stagnant growth as it relates to are educational system. To be more specific I would suggest the stagnancy is directly related to the academic portion of our learning system. I feel too much attention is being put in the social aspect of education and it is for this reason third world countries like South Korea are being as. Another problem we face with regards to education in this country is strictly financial. Student loans have become over the top expensive and or overwhelming.

  2. I totally agree with Sir Ken's statements. We keep following the wrong road which eventually started to produce some 'bad air' - quite recently, as we can see. Situation in my country is a perfect examply of the arguments mentioned in this speech - people have long thought that higher education is the key to success, so apparently: now about 50% of youngster go to universities of different kinds. The slight majority is left unemployed then and what's worse - without any proper qualifications to find themselves in the labour market. Also, these tests and the whole idea of school gets more and more pointless. No creativity and mostly knowledge no one could find use for - we waste about 10 years of our lives learning pointless stuff we won't use. I.e. after Math classes I could easily solve pointless geometric problems - on paper. But I don't quite understand what are the equations that are the base of economy. After my Biology classes, I can tell you easily about life cycles of different species of plants, all with details regarding cellular level. But I still couldn't name any of these trees while seeing them live or any of these flower while going to the florists. I guess you pretty get my point of view now.

  3. I'm not going to get all elaborate on you, but I'm going to have to agree that our government has gone the wrong direction with education. Students are more prized for winning a sporting event than they are for being an honor student.(Just one example) Thanks for the post!

  4. Thanks for this post. It's great info and I like the video too.

  5. That was very educational xD thanks for the great post!

  6. Well i just quit school after seeing the same thing sover and over during jr high and high school and then university, opened my computer busines shop, and been running great since, (12 years)

    and ive bee getting in touch with my school pals, most of them are working successfully on stuff unrelated ot their careers, go figure!

  7. I completely agree with Sir Ken. Eye opening video.
